为了特斯拉的 Gigafactory,内华达州究竟付出了什么?

· Sep 05, 2014

昨天 GeekCar 报道了 特斯拉电池工厂将要落户内华达 的消息,今天最终消息来了。Elon Musk 和内华达州州长在 Carson 市召开联合发布会,宣布特斯拉的第一座 Gigafactory 正式落户 Reno。

Musk 说,尽管内华达州并没有提供最优惠的政策支持,但是他们有足够的诚意来做这件事,这是至关主要的。

Musk 所说的「政策支持」的具体方案也被曝光,内华达州将提供超过 20 年、总价值 12 亿美元的激励政策。至于这些优惠的具体构成,Reno 当地媒体预估如下:

为期 20 年的销售税全额减免 价值 7.25 亿美元

为期 10 年的物业税全额减免 价值 3.32 亿美元

资产所有权转移税减免 价值 1.2 亿美元

为期 8 年的电价优惠政策 价值 800 万美元


预计这个电池工厂将在未来 20 年里给内华达州带来超过 1000 亿美元的经济影响。

股票方面,截至周四收盘,特斯拉股价收涨 1.72%,报收于 286.04 美元,创历史收盘新高。

以下为内华达州长以及 Elon Musk 接受采访的原话:

州长:”This is great news for Nevada. Tesla will build the world’s largest and most advanced battery factory in Nevada which means nearly one hundred billion dollars in economic impact to the Silver State over the next twenty years. I am grateful that Elon Musk and Tesla saw the promise in Nevada. These 21st century pioneers, fueled with innovation and desire, are emboldened by the promise of Nevada to change the world. Nevada is ready to lead,” stated Governor Brian Sandoval.

Elon Musk:”I would like to recognize the leadership of Governor Sandoval and the Nevada Legislature for partnering with Tesla to bring the Gigafactory to the state. The Gigafactory is an important step in advancing the cause of sustainable transportation and will enable the mass production of compelling electric vehicles for decades to come. Together with Panasonic and other partners, we look forward to realizing the full potential of this project,” said Elon Musk, Chairman and CEO of Tesla Motors.

“On behalf of the State of Nevada, I would like to acknowledge this monumental day and provide my initial support. This is a significant opportunity to make a major stride to improve our statewide economy. I look forward to receiving the necessary information so the Legislature can meet and take necessary action to support this major industry coming to Nevada,” stated Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick.

标题图来自 Autoblog Green


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